Godfred Asamoah


Individual with exceptional talents, intelligence, and passion, excels in work ethic, problem-solving, and communication.

Full Stack Software Engineer & Data Analyst.

Below some Basic Personal Details

  • Birthday: 14 May
  • Phone: +233 548 670 632
  • City: Accra, Ghana
  • Degree: BSc. Computer Science
  • Interests:Coding & Football
  • Available for: Freelance, Full or Part time


Happy Clients


Work hours per day

Teams Worked


A Resume Summary Below


Godfred Asumadu Asamoah

I have the passion for solving complex problems and creating elegant solutions through code, and am well-versed in Agile methodologies and collaborate with cross-functional teams. I am excited to work with a team of like-minded individuals who are passionate about building innovative software solutions that have a real-world impact

  • Pokuase-Accra, Ghana
  • (+233) 548 670 632
  • godfred.asumadu.asamoah@gmail.com


Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

2016 - 2021

Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology

Study of computers and computational systems, focusing on theory, algorithms, and applications. It plays a crucial role in various industries, including software development, information technology, cybersecurity, data science, and robotics. Computer scientists develop new technologies, improve existing systems, and solve complex problems.

Diploma in General Agriculture

2012 - 2015

University of Cape Coast

Its a multidisciplinary field that studies various aspects of agriculture, utilizing scientific principles, and research.

Professional Experience

Full Stack Software Engineer

2023 - Present


  • Currently Freelancing

Full Stack Software Engineer

2021 - 2023

turntabl Ghana,

  • Ambassador: Help shaped the training of over 40 graduates into the technology ecosystem
  • Built a desk booking application for employees to book available work space when working at the office. This helps reduce employee conflict over working space.
  • Used native query to improve performance of application to about 60%.

Data Analyst

2020 - 2021

Amalitech Services, Ghana

  • Data Processing
  • Feature extraction
  • Extracting, Loading and Transforming data for various sources.
  • Dashboard development for easy understanding of data trends for understanding data


Below are some of the personal Application worked on



Its a high-level, general-purpose programming language known for its simplicity, versatility, with a focus on readability.


Its a Python-based high-level web framework with an MVC architecture. It enables developers to quickly and efficiently create robust, scalable, and maintainable web applications.


Its a lightweight and versatile Python web framework that follows the microframework paradigm, emphasizing on simplicity and flexibility while delivering the core web development functionality.


Its a general-purpose programming language extensively used for desktop, web, and mobile applications, as well as enterprise systems. It is noted for its platform independence, robustness, and versatility.

Spring boot

Its a Java-based enterprise application framework. Its convention-over-configuration methodology and set of opinionated defaults simplify and accelerate the development process. It also focuses on developing stand-alone, production-grade applications that require less configuration.


Its a widely used programming language for developing interactive web pages. It offers client-side scripting, event-driven programming, dynamic DOM manipulation, and data manipulation and validation. Its key features include user interaction, responsiveness, and data manipulation.

React JS

Its a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces (UIs) for web applications. It focuses on creating reusable components and enhancing performance by utilizing a component-based architecture, Virtual DOM, and declarative syntax.


Its a web application framework offering a component-based architecture, templates, data binding, & dependency injection. It organizes applications into self-contained, reusable units for complex user interfaces, and improves developer productivity.


It extends JavaScript by adding static typing, classes, interfaces, and advanced features. Key features include static typing, object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts, type inference, interfaces, generics & widely used in web applications.


Reach me on the details below


ACP Pokuase-Accra, Ghana


+233 548 670 632